
Monday, November 15, 2010

Halfway there, and not...

November 15th and 25 thousand words should be in sight. And they are. Have I mentioned I'm longsighted?

I made up a good deal of ground over the weekend, Saturday in particular. There's more ground to cover. So far, the story is hanging together. Again, as with last year's NaNoWriMo novel, the story perspective shifts between the major characters.

I can already see some of the revision I will have to do - sharpen the focus on the main character. She does, however, come into her own in the latter half of the story. You know, the half (and some) that I haven't written yet.

Still, I have reached (or passed ) one milestone. I've filled one writing pad already and have begun the second. There will be two others filled before this exercise is done.

In other news, I filled in a survey on participating in NaNoWriMo run by Evolve Journal. They published my responses in Question and Answer form at Evolve Journal.



  1. Great work making up that ground, Kevin. But a quick word of advice - don't worry about revision. Write down in bullet points anything you think needs to be done in revision and then just move ahead with writing the manuscript. I know you probably know this but I thought I wasn't doing my job as a friend if I didn't mention it anyway.


  2. Congrats on catching up at the halfway point! Keep going!

  3. @Jai, @Laura Thanks for the good wishes on catching up. I've still got a long way to do - but I refuse to allow myself to not finish on time. We'll see how that goes.

    True, Jai, I do understand about not revising - I like your idea of bullet points. There's a detached part of my mind that's making notes on what it thinks I should do about improving the story. Getting it to write bullet points is a good way of distracting it. Thank you.
